Bittar Bling

Bittar Bling

I kinda have a thing for anything Alexis Bittar.  I mean...I guess I have a "thing" for him.  I've got a gum shrine hidden in my closet with his image on it.  Is that a "thing?" Alexis Bittar makes the yummiest, most stunning lucite jewelry mixed with semi-precious...

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And the winner is…

And the winner is…

When the folks at Endless Rose asked if I would participate in a bloggers "Who Wore It Best?" challenge, I oh so bravely said "Yes." ... not really thinking that I might actually win.  Turns out that after all the votes were tallied up ~ I did! How could this be?  I...

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Ready to get your Fashion ON?

Ready to get your Fashion ON?

Want to be part of New Mexico history?  Well, then you'd better plan to attend the first ever New Mexico Fashion Week.  You heard me...FASHION WEEK! It is here where you will find clothing, jewelry and accessories from designers from all over New Mexico, the Southwest...

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Never a bad bag day

Never a bad bag day

I've said it a million times... I don't exaggerate. So I'm totally not exaggerating when I tell you I  have discovered some of the best online stores that allow you to customize your handbags.  Yes - your handbags. I know! Even Ms. Jay is all excited. Previous blogs...

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Off the cuff

Off the cuff

Oh sure...reject me. Now I  just want you even MORE. Ok ~  fabulous Chanel cuff, I may not have a bunch of disposable cash just laying around to purchase you but... YOU belong to ME. Until that time comes, I will consider some of these other amazing options: Gemma...

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Worth a revisit

Worth a revisit

I talked about eShakti waaaaay back when I first started my blog, when I was blogging to like 5 friends, and I realized  I should absolutely revisit their site again after I broke out this dress over the weekend. I hadn't really worn this Marilyn Monroe-esque dress in...

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Allow me to introduce you to:

Allow me to introduce you to:

The "World's Most Comfortable Stiletto". (shoe /sole images courtesy of House of Borgezie) You heard me correctly. The England fashion house, House of Borgezie,  says that these Riviera stainless steel & sterling silver stilettos are the world's most comfortable...

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Not a difficult choice

Not a difficult choice

So, if you didn't already know this,  every fashion blogger pretty much owns this Isabel Marant The Carol Studded Sandal. Basically no longer available and retailed at $1,035. Additionally, every fashion blogger seems to also possess this Saint Laurent Arty Ovale...

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In time for Mother’s Day

In time for Mother’s Day

With the success of my new "do",  I must give a nod to the creator of my new look: my friendie and travel companion ~ Rebecca. I received soooo many compliments on my haircut that I wanted to share her contact information with all of you. Rebecca is co-owner of Le...

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Why wear laser cut anything?

Why wear laser cut anything?, the upside is:  You'll be completely on-trend and the talk amongst the girls. ...and the downside? Possible funky tan...and the talk amongst the girls. (image: joy reactor) I say take the risk and score some deals because some of the items below are totally...

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The happiest of endings…and a little sneakiness

The happiest of endings…and a little sneakiness

Ok, so last Friday I had about an hour to blow before an appointment.   I decided to venture into T.J. Maxx  (cuz I'm a Maxxinista...aren't you?) to just, you know, poke around and see if there was anything in there that I just HAD to have. There were, as usual, lots...

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I’m only half on trend.  What?… MOI?

I’m only half on trend. What?… MOI?

On this past trip to France (oops, I promised on my Friday blog post that it would be my last mention of France) overseas, there were two trends that I kept seeing everywhere on every fashionista. The first trend was the long vest, also known as the sleeveless...

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