I’m wearing my Teton Mountaineering pearls again today because I want you to know that these aren’t June Cleaver pearls. 

Lifestyle Influencer, Jamie Lewinger of More Than Turquoise, wearing the Teton Mountaineering bracelet scatter combo from Pearls by Shari

No, NO! These are ‘ROCK these pearls ANY way you want to’ pearls and I wanted to share OTHER ways you might consider wearing them.

Lifestyle Influencer, Jamie Lewinger of More Than Turquoise, collage of Pearls by Shari

I also wanted to share that sometimes a Brand seems to really resonate with my dear readers and that was the case when I previously shared Pearls by Shari with you. I seriously can’t tell you how MANY of you sent me emails and/or DM’s on Instagram asking if there might be a discount code you could use when you shop on their site. SO ~ I went to the Brand and asked them for one! #BaddaBingBaddaBoom

Code Turquoise15 now gets you 15% off ANYTHING of their site, including their very popular Teton Mountaineering Bracelet Scatter Combo set.  Shop their collection HERE

Additionally, here are some other FUN pearly things.  xoxo