*** Today’s post is sponsored by Nambé and Chico’s



I used to think that the subject matter of today’s post was a whole ‘lotta hooey,  but then I quickly learned that there is quite a bit of truth to it.  I’m talking about, of course, the importance of using the proper glass when you’re drinking your favorite wine. Now, I do know that you can drink wine out of whatever glass you want (perhaps even a jar) but have you ever questioned the taste of your wine when YOUR white and HIS red are served to you in the exact same sized basic,’ole wine glass? … and/or … the glass is so massive that it makes your hand appear miniature?

Many years ago I took a class on the importance of drinking from the proper wine glass and if you’re actually trying to taste your wine then certain glasses do work better than others.  I remember the teacher asking us if there wasn’t some real science behind this … then WHY are there so many different shaped glasses for wine? 

I dug deep into my mushy brain matter and revisited all that I had learned in that class when I was recently packing a picnic lunch for my husband and I, as I was just grabbing the first set of glasses that were in my reach. I remembered learning that different glass shapes affect the density and position of vapors at the openings of a glass and that vapors carry aromatic compounds into your nose … AND that it’s those awesome, aromatic compounds that are responsible for producing the FLAVORS in wine! 

I also learned, BTW, that it’s super important when pouring your wine that you don’t fill it all the way to the top.  There needs to be space between the top of the glass and the top of the poured wine so that you can actually smell those aromas, otherwise you’re just dipping your nose into the wine and missing the wine tasting experience.

Alrightly then.  Now that I’ve captured your attention  ~ let’s talk wine glasses.  White wines are typically served in smaller bowled glasses. This Nambé Chardonnay glass has a shallow bowl and wide mouth to help promote oxidation, which then brings out the stronger flavors and aromas of a Chardonnay.

Whereas this slender Nambé Pinot Grigio/Gris glass has a narrow opening that helps to preserve the chill of this light, crisp wine and to hold  its delicate aroma.

Champagne and sparkling wines should be served in a flute.  This Nambé flute enhances the aroma of champagne and sparkling wines while allowing the bubbles to travel further, which not only heightens the visual appeal, but also prolongs the carbonation.

Nambé’s Pinot Noir glass provides generous space in the glass and is essential to capturing the aromatic nuances of this medium-bodied wine.  The tapering towards the rim allows the taste to concentrate at the front of the palate.  <<< that’s major wine talk right there!

And their Cabernet glass allows room in the glass for swirling, and provides the opening required to concentrate the bouquet of a complex wine at the back of the palate … also major wine talk. 

Even MORE major than these fab Nambé wine glasses is the fact that Chico’s knows that drinking wine, eating sauce, squirting ketchup … ALL can wreck havoc on your clothes.  That’s why they stepped up their no-iron shirt game to add a NO-STAIN feature!

Yep ~ SPILL AWAY, friends because oil-based and water-based stains disappear with the flush of water and blot of a towel. Powered by Stain Shield™ Technology, these shirts are available in 7 different colors and last for up to 30 washes.  Shop the collection here

And although not from Nambé, your beer also deserves a special glass like this cool city map pint glass from Uncommon Green

Psst ~ this is my “beer drinkin’ tee” that I always wear when I’ve had one-too-many beers. But seeing as I’m not a beer drinker, this means that I’ve had ONE. …* code Q1moreturquoi15 gets you 15% off. 

So there you go. Now you know how to take your next wine/beer tasting to a whole new level … and CHEERS to that!  #clinkclink



*** ATTN LOCALS:  Did you know that Nambé is about to open a new store in Cottonwood Corners? (the grand opening is scheduled for March 9th with yummy food and fab prizes!)  I’m getting a behind-the-scenes, exclusive sneaky-peaky of the store this morning at 10:00 am and will be sharing all the scoop on my Instagram StoriesWhy don’t you follow along?