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Learning New Things ~ New Year, New Challenges

I learned a few interesting things on this past trip to France when I went to assist my mother. 

Firstly ~ I found this book, Made in France, at my mom’s home and I learned that the crayon was actually invented in France … as was the motion picture film camera AND peach melba!

A uber-chic Parisian woman turned me on to a local marché where I learned that one of the stores at this marché ONLY sells vintage Chanel jewelry, like my fab necklace, and …

I purchased these Valentino Rockstud pumps at the Galeries Lafayette in Paris where I learned I was the very first customer to purchase them, as they had just put them out on display AND that they were not yet available in the United States. #IScoredThemFirst  ( They’re available now.  Shop them here.)

I also learned that aging family members (which was my real reason for going to France) need a lot more help than they ever have in the past and it’s those who are the caregivers who should really be applauded. 

Now ~ I am really only an emotional caregiver for my mother as she lives in France and I live in the U.S. … and, BTW, (and still to be mindful of my mother’s privacy) …  she has a very rare condition and it turns out that back-in-the-day a French President also had this same condition.  He used his Presidential stroke and had all the medical students in France learn everything that they could about this condition and how to treat it  ~ so my mother is in very good hands. ‘Hands’ that probably know far more about this than, perhaps, in other countries.) but this was an eye-opening experience for me as far as what a caregiver actually does, and in particular a family caregiver. 

Which brings me to a few interesting statistics are about family caregivers:

  1. Family caregivers spend an average of 24.4 hours per week providing care and 1/4 of these caregivers actually spend 41 hours or more per week providing care, and
  2. In the U.S. ~ 34.2 million Americans have provided unpaid care to an adult age 50 or older in the last 12 months.


I’m being a bit long-winded here, but when I wrote this post where I talk about my friend Stacy who was embarrassed to tell me that she occasionally gets bladder leakage, I had no idea if anyone would comment on, or relate to, that blog post.  Many did, but what surprised me was how many side emails I received from people just thanking me for talking to them like a real person would. 

And so on this trip, I also re-learned that 1 in 3 women will experience adult incontinence so whether it’s your Mom, your sister, your best friend or YOU, Always Discreet can help make these transitions feel a little bit easier.  WHY I’m tying this all together is because aging family members and friends might experience adult incontinence or they simply just can’t get to the restroom in time.  THIS I really did not  realize and/or think about before (!!!) but as a caregiver, or that 1 in 3, you’ll want to have Always Discreet on-hand for yourself or to help assist others.

Let’s quickly revisit what Always Discreet is.  Always Discreet is a unique line-up of bladder leak protection products created by the #1 brand in feminine protection, Always. They offer the perfect combo of form, function and feminine design.  If you have a sensitive bladder, know that Always Discreet provides incredible-performing discreet protection with a line of products that feature exclusive technology including RapidDry™ that absorbs leaks in second, Dual LeakGuards™ that help stop leaks where they happen most & OdorLock™ that neutralizes urine odors instantly.

Learn even more about Always Discreet here


*** Thank you, again,  to Always Discreet for sponsoring this post and bringing awareness to the possibilities of worry-free bladder leakage.  If you, or someone you know, would benefit from trying the Always Discreet line, shop it at Walgreens here. 

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