Hey guys!  Many of you know my love for the Korean skin care brand, Saranghae  (Read my full review here) and I know that many of you now diligently use their 5 step routine. 

And just when we all got used to the process, Saranghae decided to shake things up by introducing an entirely NEW step (!!!)and a step that, now that I understand the importance of a toner, I think their system was lacking.  

Meet the new Perfect Balance Toner ~ and it’s launching right now, THIS VERY SECOND as this blog post released.  #HotOffTheInternetPress

So what exactly is a toner? A toner’s function is to complete the cleansing of your skin – removing the dust, pollution and impurities that can still linger after washing with a cleanser AND it primes your face for the next product you apply to your skin. The Perfect Balance Toner balances your pH level, minimize your pores and totally brighten your skin.

I was one of the few who had the opportunity to try this toner before it launched and it makes my face VERY happy!

You apply the toner with gentle taps either with your fingers or with a cotton ball but then … get ready to get your GLOW ON!

For those of you using Saranghae’s products, at $39, the toner is totally worth a try. (click to shop it)  Oh ~ and HEYYYY … you heard it here first!   #YoureWelcome 

