Habitat for Humanity is an organization that is near and dear to me. Their mission is to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope and their vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.  They do this by partnering with people in a community and help them to build or improve a place they can call home.

So when Chico’s, a brand that is also near and dear to me, asked me to share what “Home is the Key” is to me and/or what is a “key” area in my home as part of their partnership with Habitat’s 2018 Home is the Key campaign, I was more than happy to comply.  And although one might think that my closet (oops, again … I mean “our” closet.) would be a key area in our home, there are two areas that my hubby and I really enjoy and spend quite a bit of time in. 

Firstly, we especially where our dining area is located in our new urban home.

[ wearing Chico’s slub tee <<< which has a cute little dip hem in the back when not tucked in and White House Black Market Comfort Stretch Ankle Pant ]

It’s light and airy and we have many meals here with family and friends.  We also use it as a buffet area and let people perch wherever they’d like in our home to eat.

The other area is our living room …

[ wearing Soma Cool Night Pajama lace trim top & lace trim shorts <<< working on my indoor tan ~  see their entire collection here. ]

… where we LOVE chilin’ in our jammies and hanging out with our fur family.

Although our home is the foundation in our lives and an atmosphere of contentment, safety and calm ~ for  many families in the United States, this concept of “home” seems out of reach. THAT’S where Habitat for Humanity and corporate partners like Chico’s come in AND where YOU can, too!  Chico’s shares Habitat for Humanity’s vision and this spring, you can support by making a donation to Habitat in Chico’s, White House Black Market and Soma stores.

Shop Chico’s: From April 1 – May 31, 2018, Chico’s will donate $2.00 from each Slub tee sold, up to a maximum donation of $450,000, to Habitat for Humanity International.

Shop White House Black Market: From April 17– May 31, 2018, White House Black Market will donate $5 for all comfort stretch slim ankle pants sold, up to a maximum donation of $125,000, to Habitat for Humanity International.

Shop Soma: From April 23– May 31, 2018, Soma will donate $1.00 from each cool night pajama separate sold, up to a maximum donation of $75,000, to Habitat for Humanity International.

So there you go:  Shop-to-give, share the hashtag #HomeIsTheKey and/or simply make a direct donation to Habitat for Humanity.  Do that here and be sure to give some love to these other corporate partners, as well.  OH ~ and lastly, pop over to my instagram and check out my instastories on how you can enter for a chance to win some Habitat SWAG and each of these three products that I’m wearing that give back from Chico’s, WHBM and Soma.



Happy Friday, everyone! 



*** Thank you to Chico’s for sponsoring this post. I am extremely proud to be a part of this important campaign.