THE hot coat at the moment is the Blanket Coat from Burberry.


Gorgeous ~ YES, but at a cost of roughly $1,400 I shall only stare at it from afar.

So, while driving home the other day, it dawned on me that I may actually already own a version of the blanket coat. Could this possibly BE?…  I thought and, if so,  How in the world had I forgotten about it?

Well, sure enough,  I own …


The Blanket Coat.  I haven’t worn this baby in years!

Ok, so it IS a tad different than the Burberry version but I actually like mine better and I just saved $1,400.   $1,400 Honey!  That’s big time.  These savings should be “banked” and used at some very near future date, don’t cha think, Honey?

But perhaps even bigger than the substantial savings should be the fact I actually forgot I owned this coat.   Maybe with all the excitement from the holidays and the rocking in of the new year  ~ maybe I’ve become a little absent minded because I still feel like something is missing but …

I.  Just.  Can’t.  Put.  My.  Finger.  On.  It.


Shop the various looks (and prices) of the blanket coat: