13 days until Christmas day …  13 DAYS!!!  #AyeYaiYai

[ poncho c/o | pants c/o |  sunnies | mock-neck | similar gloves | similar bag | similar earrings *pre-owned | similar shoes ]

U-S-U-A-L-L-Y I have my gift act together but this year I have just fallen behind and the items I’d like to purchase for family and friends are either sold out and/or they no longer have the size I need.

So I’ve decided to take an easier route and am purchasing items that don’t require a “size” …

… like my poncho<<< which is under $15!  #Snicker

I’m such a smarty.

O T H E R   F A B   N O   S I Z E   G I F T   O P T I O N S :