Site icon More Than Turquoise

She ROCKS the heavy metal

I first became aware of Kristin Diener when I saw a piece of her art on the neck of Nancy Judd from Recycle Runway.   I couldn’t stop staring at the necklace Nancy was wearing because it appeared to have very interesting and unusual items embedded in it.

At close review, I was able to identify just about everything in the necklace with the exception of one, somewhat odd item.  When I asked Nancy what it was, she advised that it was a nose rest from a pair of her Grandmother’s eyeglasses.  HUH?

Nancy then told me that I had to meet Kristin Dienerand, boy am I glad I did.

(photo: Renate Surh)

I met the fabulous Kristin Diener at Mariposa Gallery where she was showing her latest creations, like this amazing piece ~

Legal and Tender

Ok, so what’s all in there?  Answer: silver, copper, brass, $5 dollar bill, $1 dollar bill, eyeglass lens, mica, grape seed, moonstones and pearls.  Ahhh, yes.. I thought those were grape seeds.  What?

Kristin Diener has her MFA in jewelry making and metalsmithing and creates bold and completely unique artwork.

(photo: Karen Kuehn)

Here is just a small sampling of her unbelievable work:

(all jewelry images courtesy of Kristin Diener)

Lips Sentimental Pin

Green Monster Ring

Heroin/e Bracelet: Memento Mori

Kristin uses gold and silver mixed with both fine and semi-precious gemstones ~ however she also incorporates recycled and found objects in her pieces.

How in the world does she come up with these ideas?

Fun fact: This Eyeball Pendant will be on the cover of  On Body and Soul: Contemporary Armor to Amulets.   Kristin will also have 4 other jewelry pieces in the book.

What you may not know about Madame X is that the chain is completely handmade…an immensely, time-consuming process.

So, guess what? If you’ve ever desired to make your own masterpieces and/or learn a new skill, Kristin just so happens to teach jewelry and metal classes.  She even offers private lessons!  Then you can tell all your friends that you were taught by someone who has not only exhibited all over the United States, but internationally as well.

Don’t miss out.  Kristin is a MUST meet and her art is a MUST see.  ~  You can find her jewelry at Mariposa Gallery.

(photo: Kyle Zimmerman)


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