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Where can I get my hands on this stuff?

I’ve got this chic friend, Cindy, who I have quite a bit in common with.  We’re the same age, have similar tastes in clothing, share the same work ethic, enjoy the same kind of music (ok- so we both confess to rocking out to classic 80’s rock and have been known to air drum to it while driving in our cars) have the same sense of humor, shop in the same stores and even had the same Crissy Doll as young girls.

We’re kind of like Betty and Veronica.  (Isn’t every gal guaranteed some kind wolf whistle??)

Lately, I’ve been noticing that Cindy has been wearing some really fun jewelry. Every day…something different…something beautiful.  What’s the story here?  Why is she not telling me where all this jewelry came from?  

After I strong-armed an answer out of her, Cindy shared that (although she is a partner at a law firm AND owns and operates her own dance/performance studio) somehow she also finds the time to sell a line of jewelry: Lia Sophia. I scoured the site, and here’s just  a small sampling of some great items that I found:

(Soooo LOVING this necklace and the bracelet from the Red Carpet  E´clatant Collection!)

(The For You™ Bracelet set now has a new home and is living comfortably with me, my husband and our dogs.)

The quality is wonderful, it’s nicely priced and there is a little bit of everything for everyone to choose from!  Want to hear, see, and learn more? Contact Cindy at her personal Lia Sophia website.  And who knows, she may even teach you some new dance steps as well!


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